Monday 4 January 2016

Remedy for Dandruff

Bowl of curd with two lemons squeezed in it is one of the best ayurvedic remedies to get a clean and clear scalp. Lemons are supposed to be real dandruff killers. It is worth trying this tip. Curd acts as moisturizer and keep your scalp cool.

Lemon is a key ingredient in most of the hair care remedies. Mix lemon in warm coconut oil and apply on the scalp. leave it for about half an hour before shampoo. Do this for at least two weeks for results.

Hibiscus leaves, Egg, Lemon, Curd and Water. Grind the mixture (Hibiscus leaves – 5 to 10, 1 egg and little water) and keep in a bowl. Cut the lemon and apply directly its juice over the scalp. After 2 or 3 minutes, apply curd thoroughly so that acidic content of lemon can be neutralize. Now apply the mixture and leave for 15 to 20 minutes and wash with some herbal shampoo. Practice this amazing home remedy for dandruff once in a week.


Coconut oil and Lemon juice. Take coconut oil in a bowl and mix lemon juice (1 to 2 tsp). With the help of cotton swab, apply all over the scalp and hair. Leave for 20 minutes minimum. Wash with some herbal shampoo. Repeat this home remedy every alternate day.


Fenugreek and Curd. Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds as per the requirement in a bowl for overnight.  Filter and grind them in the morning. Add curd to mix well. Apply this mixture or paste with fingers all over the scalp and hair. Repeat this home remedy at least twice per week.

Simply make use of olive oil for head massage. It can be applied at night and can be washed in the morning. It’s also effective in case if one applies before half an hour of head bath. Olive oil naturally moistens the skin.


Aloe vera is a wonderful medicinal plant which is used in many natural products for hair and skin care. Take fresh aloe vera leaf. Take out the pulp. Apply all over the scalp with the help of gingers. Leave as it is for some time. Wash with some herbal shampoo. Can be practiced 2 or 3 times in a week.

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