Friday 1 January 2016

Expert Consultation on Bed Wetting


Involuntary urination

In general bed wetting is stopped in girls by age six years and in boys by age seven. But in some children this bed wetting is prolonged for many years and even in some adults are also suffering. Parents should not pressure, shaming, punishment for this condition.  It may cause psychological damage make the situation worse like loss of self-confidence. This can cause increased bed wetting incidents.

Bed wetting children face problems ranging from being teased by siblings, being afraid that friends will find out, low self esteem, developmental problems, behavioural issues and stress. Parents should react patiently & supportively. Do not cause trauma by shaming or punishing bed wetting child. 

  • Poor bladder contractions
  • Excessive urine volume
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Diet habits, constipation
  • Poor sleep.

Anti diuretic hormone (ADH): ADH regulates urine production by increasing water re absorption in the kidney. Due to lack of ADH leads to overproduction of urine often beyond the capacity of child’s bladder leads bed wetting.

Treatment: In Ayurveda  there is a sure and guaranteed treatment for Bed wetting in children and adults.

For further details please contact our good friend and well experienced Ayurvedic Practitioner Dr Simharaju, +91 95535 50684 from Panthulu Dawas 

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