Thursday 4 February 2016


Roots of the herb of Yashtimadhu are an excellent home remedy for relieving a number of disorders. According to ayurvedic texts, Yashtimadhu, being heavy, slimy and sweet helps in decreasing the aggravated vata dosha or air body humor. Therefore, Yashtimadhu is helpful in treating the diseases relating to vitiation in air body humor. Yashtimadhu is a natural revitalizing herb. A number of Yashtimadhu formulations are available on the market that can be taken for strengthening the body systems and increasing immunity. The powder of this root, when taken with honey and ghee, is sufficient to revive your immunity levels. Not only this, yashtimadhu also acts as a general as well as brain tonic and prevents early aging.


Aamla the Indian Gooseberry, is the richest and best natural source of vitamin C. It also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, albumin, cellulose, fiber, carbohydrate, sugar and water. According to Ayurveda, the fruit of aamla helps reduce all the three doshas—vata, pitta and kapha (air, fire and phlegm); which, when aggravated above their normal limits, cause a disease. The special properties of rejuvenation and revitalizing of the entire body systems makes Aamla highly beneficial for increasing the body’s resistance power. Eating aamla in raw form may not be easy for all, but you need not fret. You could feast on aamla murabba, chutneys or jams. The powder of dried aamla [which is readily available] can also be taken mixed with honey, twice a day. You can even extract fresh juice from the aamla fruit and add it to salads or mix with other juices to balance the sourness. Chyawanprash, which contains aamla along with other herbs, is a well-known formulation that can be taken for long periods as a tonic to do away mental and physical fatigue.


Tulsi or holy basil contains specific anti-asthmatic and anti-infective properties. Ayurveda recommends holy basil to empower respiratory resistance. To find relief, consume fresh tulsi juice made by pounding leaves of the herb, twice a day. Add a few drops of ginger and some honey to this to increase its efficiency to build resistance.

Elaichi Cardamom

Elaichi or cardamom is one of the most common spices seen in an Indian household. Not only does it add sweet taste and unique flavour to your dishes, it is also widely used as a natural mouth freshener. But the humble green pod has a lot more to offer – health wise.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is considered an important healing spice in ayurveda. It has cleansing and antioxidant properties, and it is a bioavailability enhancer — it helps transport the benefits of other herbs to the different parts of the body. It helps the free flow of oxygen to the brain, helps enhance digestion and circulation, stimulates the appetite, and helps maintain respiratory system health and the health of the joints.

Black pepper is a warming spice and contributes the pungent taste. It is excellent for pacifying Kapha, helps pacify Vata and increases Pitta.

Aromatic black pepper is widely used as a seasoning in the Western world. In ayurvedic cooking, black peppercorns as well as ground or cracked black pepper are common. Pepper combines well with almost every other spice or herb.


Cloves (Lavanga) is a stimulant, aromatic, antispasmodic, carminative, appetisr, digestive, diaphoretic, blood purifier and allays kapha. It has many medicinal properties, the dry flower buds as well as oil being used.

It is a well – known home remedy. Cotton moistened with one or two drops of clove oil and kept in dental cavities helps to relieve toothache. 

Clove oil is applied externally in rheumatic pains, sciatica, headache and lumbago.

A very well – known remedy, Lavangadi Vati, chewed in the mouth relieves sore throat, dry cough, foul breath and tonsillitis. The clove heated over a flame is kept in the mouth and its juice swallowed. It relieves sore throat, it also strengthens the gums.

Cloves, ginger, ajawayan and rock salt all in equal parts, made into 4 grains pills and taken one pill after the principal meals, is a useful remedy in indigestion.

The powder of cloves, dry ginger, black pepper and fried borax dissolved in the mouth and swallowed relieves bronchitis.

Pills made from a mixture of cloves, sandalwood paste, saffron and mercuric chloride serve as a tonic in syphilitic affections.

Clove oil is widely used in perfumery and in medicinal preparations to remove any disagreeable taste.

Cloves also occupy an important place in Indian cooking. It contains a volatile oil which is used in condiments.


Turmeric is used both for cooking and for medicinal purposes. It is believed to destroy all the three doshas or the basic humors of the body. Therefore, turmeric is recommended in a large variety of ailments and also as a potent immunity-boosting herb. Turmeric can be used to relieve ailments such common cold, dry itchy skin, joint pains and swellings. The best part is that it can easily be included in your daily diet to equip your body to fight maladies.

About 1 – 3 grams powder of raw turmeric is recommended and can be supplemented with warm water or milk. The powder can also be mixed with oil and massaged on the skin. Haridra Khanda is an effective Ayurveda formulation of turmeric.